
Temple of elemental evil mod
Temple of elemental evil mod

The newbies were talking at our last session that they never got to play the classic mods of first edition. My gaming group is made up of three newer players, one veteran from the first edition days and myself who has played for 30 some years. It's definitely the kind of dungeon you need to have well ingrained in your working memory to run so good luck and I hope it's a blast! She comes out invisible and watches and setups the Death Attack. Smigmal for example as F 7/ A 3 still backs a punch at +12 to hit - +7 BtH, +2 ST, +2 Weapon Specialization, +1 Shortsword. (I like class-in-half with Fighter/Assassin being the common theme here. Also deciding how to handle multiclass is a must because there are tons of them. Burne and Falrinth for example and important to have fully stated. The conversion will need some attention to the spellcaster spelllists, since C&C is not totally AD&D. There are tons more of examples I can think of.)īut for cautious and well thought play it seems doable. Laerth is pretty darn tough for a group of 1st-2nd leveled PC's. (Somehow forcing their way into the ruined tower and down into 3rd level on their first tip for example is usually a blood bath. It's one of the dungeons that can be TPK, meat grinder if the party does the wrong thing. ToEE is interesting I've been going through it recently also trying to decide if I should run it soon or not.

Temple of elemental evil mod